
We aim to improve the lives of our community members through education and empowerment.

Our Programs and Services Include:

  • Cultural/spiritual growth learning opportunities, including mental health first aid and gang prevention outreach

  • Facilitating healthy support systems modeled on the Lakota Kinship system, so clients learn from positive role models who have had similar life experiences

  • Bridge-building between our clients, including those formerly incarcerated, and the criminal justice system.

  • Working to improve policies within the judicial and legal systems to better serve and empower our people

  • Peer support groups for men, women, and youth

  • Cultural education, including Lakota art and women’s and men’s traditional sacred roles


Women’s Groups

We believe that women, our first teachers, will lead the healing. But first, they must experience healing.

In all healing, the negative must be replaced with something positive, and we strive to create a supportive surrogate family in this journey.

We offer ways for women to reconnect with traditional roles through art and nature. Women’s groups include the women’s healing circle, medicinal Mondays, creating the traditional tool belt, and inipi, a sweat experience for women.


Youth Groups

Native youth are disproportionately at risk for gang violence, often because gang participation provides a feeling of belonging. Through cultural education and traditional Lakota values, we offer a positive belonging experience instead.

Our goal is to help youth become assets in their communities.


 Our Space

I. Am. Legacy. is located in Uptown Rapid (formerly the Rushmore Mall), but it is much more than an office. We offer a safe space for individuals and groups to gather, connect, and empower one another. Here you will find mental health support, substance abuse counseling, and social support. You are welcome here.